I’ve been trying to get to a certain waterfall for some time now. I still can’t get it right. I thought for sure it would be flowing from all the warm weather we’ve had this week. Yet once again I found it to be just a trickle. Ugh, what to do now?

I tried a different nearby waterfall that I’ve put off exploring until now. And for good reason, it’s not really much of a falls. It’s also way too much trouble to get to.

It is a tough climb up the mountain (which just happens to be named after the best ski hill in the world – Red Mountain). Once I got up near the falls I found a lot of heavy thick brush. I had to crawl my way through it with a steep drop off below me, and over to the creek. To get over to the bottom of the cascade I then had to cross over one branch of the creek. The rocks in the creek were extremely icy and treacherous and there were more dropoffs below. Well I got to the bottom of the cascade without any broken bones, but I did manage to scratch up my leg enough on that crazy brush to make it bleed – I suppose that is appropriate for Red Mountain. The falls is 26 ft high. There is another tier right below it but I could not get down from here. I had to go back across the treacherous creek, then back through that brush and back down stream. From there I could cross the creek but I was too much below the falls, so I had to climb up the bank on the other side where I found a lot of icy snow. It was soft enough and deep enough that I was breaking through it, so basically I had to crawl up the icy snow bank on my hands and knees to the waterfall (going back down on my butt was much more fun however). Unfortunately there was not much of a view of the lower tier anyway. All that effort and it was not much of a reward. Ah well. It was fun to explore.

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