Create and Pay for New Account

Create Account

Use the form below to create your account. All fields must be entered. Please read the entire page before registering.

If you wish to use Google or Facebook login then you do NOT need to create an account below. Go to the login page. You will still need to make a payment in the Payment section below.

The basic account option is FREE
With a free account, you have access to all waterfall information on my site except for location information.

Please consider helping to support this website. It takes a lot of time, money, and effort to maintain this website and provide you with all this information. I have over 1700 confirmed waterfalls in my California database and have visited over 900 waterfalls. This is FAR MORE than you will find from any other source, on-line or in print. I am continually adding to this list and finding brand new waterfalls that no one has ever before documented. With a paid account, you will receive waterfall location information, GPS co-ordinates, directions, downloadable GPX/KML routes, and on-line maps. The fee is only $20/year.

Important: You must first create your account, by filling out the fields below and click the Submit button.
Then you must return to this page and use secure Paypal to pay for your subscription, by selecting the account payment option below, and click Add to Cart.

For more information about payment options, please read my FAQ page here. Also go to this page if you wish to see all that is included in your subscription.

Note: cookies must be enabled on your computer.
Note: Please be sure to enter your correct email address. It will be validated before your account can be activated. Check your spam mail for your activation email message.

Note: By creating an account with, you agree to the following:
All material on is copyrighted and may only be used for personal purposes. This includes all photographs, descriptions, directions, latitude/longitude co-ordinates, trail routes, and all other text. All photographs must be used for personal viewing only, and must not be copied, printed, or distributed without prior permission from myself. You may not, under any circumstances, use ANY of this material for profit or publication in any way, without prior permission. This excludes information that is already publically accessible from other sources (such as names or GPS co-ordinates obtained from USGS topo maps).
You also understand that some information on this website may not be accurate or complete (though of course, I strive to make it as accurate as possible). Leon Turnbull Photography and is not responsible if you get lost following (or trying to follow) directions or advice found on this website.
You also understand that due to their very nature, waterfalls can be located in very dangerous places. Leon Turnbull Photography and takes no responsibility for any trouble, injury, or death you or a loved one may experience when visiting any waterfalls on this website.
You also agree that you will not upload any inappropriate pictures or text to, and if you do this you may be banned from this website (and forfeit your payment).

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Upload Profile Picture:100x100 (optional)
Type the number: 2289 (to prevent spam)

Account Payment

Use Paypal to make your secure payment by selecting the option from the dropdown box below and then click Add to Cart. It may take up to 24 hours to activate your paid account, or longer if I am out of town; please be patient. Thank you.
Create your account above first (click Submit), then make your payment below (and click Add to Cart).