East Snow Mountain Falls
Location: Soda Springs, Tahoe National Forest, Placer County
Stream: Unnamed
Alternate Names:
Lat/Long: N/A
East Snow Mountain Falls is a gargantuan cascade dropping a whopping 2200
ft. off the east side of Snow Mountain. This makes East Snow Mountain Falls
the second highest known waterfall in California, second only to
Yosemite Falls. This is fairly major news because up until now, this
huge waterfall in the North Fork American River canyon had not previously
been documented, although it can be seen fairly easily at the end of a long
day hike. East Snow Mountain Falls is a seasonal waterfall, meaning that
after all the snow has melted from Snow Mountain, it will be dry. However,
the drainage is large enough that the waterfall will likely be flowing into
well into August in most years (note: Yosemite Falls is also a seasonal waterfall).
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