Niagara Creek Falls N/A

Location: Sonora Pass, Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Stream: Niagara Creek
Alternate Names: Ford Falls

Lat/Long: N/A

California has its own Niagara Falls, and although it may not be as awesome as its eastern cousin, it is a spectacular beauty nonetheless. Niagara Creek Falls drops a staggering 700 ft. into the Donnell Lake reservoir on the Middle Fork Stanislaus River. It consists of a 100 ft. drop, then an incredible 300 ft. drop, followed by a series of cascades, then a final 100 ft. drop into the reservoir. This makes Niagara Creek Falls one of the tallest known waterfalls in California, outside of Yosemite. Niagara Creek Falls is best seen in the spring during snowmelt. The creek dries up quickly and by summer the waterfall is no more than a trickle.

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Niagara Creek Falls
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