Little Secrets

The town of Quintette has been keeping a secret from me. How naughty of them, trying to hide this waterfall from me. Sooner or later though, I will find it. And this past weekend, I did just that. Though it wasn’t easy.

I had actually heard about a waterfall here a couple years ago. But the person who told me did not know exactly where it was. I went there to search for it, but did not find it. Now I returned again, a couple years later, and after studying the topo maps, I had a good idea where the waterfall might be.

Access to the waterfall is a bit questionable, though the falls itself is on public land. Nonetheless, I headed down the old inactive logging road. It was late in the day, but I figured I had lots of time to get there and back. It was very warm, and the mosquitoes were already out. Not a good sign. In fact, I was pretty sure the creek would be completely dry. All the snow in Quintette had already melted. I probably should have been here a month earlier. Why even try now? Yet, I persevered onwards. I arrived down at the creek after a couple miles hiking, and lo and behold, the creek was still flowing decently well. Not overly well, but not too shabby. There was no waterfall there at the creek. But I knew in my head that the waterfall would be upstream. And that meant I would have to do a bit of bushwhacking. So up the creek and into the woods I went. There was a bit of a path up the creekside, so I knew that people had been up there before. Not too many though, and the trail had a lot of brush and branches to negotiate. I got a glimpse of the waterfall through the trees ahead, so I continued on. As I got closer, the going got a lot more difficult. The terrain was crumbly, and very steep. It was not easy. A fall would have hurt to say the least. Finally, I reached the bottom of the waterfall, and it was a nice one, 83 ft. high. With all the trees and branches around the area, it is not a particularly photogenic waterfall, but it was worth the trek to see it. By now it was getting quite late, so I took my photos quickly and headed back up the hill. The extra bit of scrambling up the creek bed made me later than I wanted to be, and I arrived back at my vehicle after sunset, just as it was getting dark.


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