I slept for about 10 to 11 hours making up for the 0 hours the previous night. There was a loud bird that woke me in the middle of the night. I do not know what kind it was but I have never heard the sound before. It was cawing constantly and loudly for about an hour.

    There were no bugs in the morning and I enjoyed my breakfast in peace. However, they showed up later in the morning as I continued my climb up the trail. I did not lose them until I hit about 7800 ft. in elevation.
      There were some pretty fall colors displayed in this section of the trail but mostly all the Aspen trees were well past peak. It was a bit disappointing since it is only Oct. 3. It was a very early season this year for color which is surprising to me since it has been so hot this summer. At one point I came across a hiker resting along the trail and enjoying a particularly beautiful fall color view while smoking a cigarette. Why anyone would want to smoke a cigarette out here is beyond me but I had to take a photo of this amazing view so I apologized as I quickly stepped in front of him to take the shot. He had a French accent and we said hello before I continued up the trail. Little did I know I would see him again multiple times. 
        I arrived at the Woods Creek suspension bridge at about noon. I would be camping here. The suspension bridge swings crazily and is wild to walk across. And fun. I had to do it a few times. For the camera, you know.
          My trip planning is different from most people and I was passed by a lot of people doing the Rae Lakes loop (including my French friend). My primary goal of any trip is to photograph all the waterfalls along the trail in good lighting conditions. Thus I will usually camp near the waterfalls, while others may camp in different spots or hike longer or whatever. Case in point: Woods Creek Falls. 99.9% of the people hiking the Rae Lakes loop will NOT go up to see Woods Creek Falls. It is an extra 5 miles round trip and 1100 ft. of elevation gain. Who in their right mind would do such a thing? Well, the Waterfall Madman of course! Even the PCT hiker I passed as I hiked up to the falls thought I was nuts going up there. He did not say that in so many words but I could read his mind. 
            Woods Creek Falls is a beautiful 45 ft. drop right along the trail. Some pretty fall color here as well. I went to the upper falls as well which was not as impressive as I thought it would be. I am pretty sure I could have done the Rae Lakes loop in 4 days instead of 5 if I skipped Woods Creek Falls so was it worth the effort going up here? Well I certainly thought it was. But I’m a madman.
              I ran back down the trail and got to camp just after sunset. There was another couple that decided to camp right beside me. There is a whole huge area to camp with no one else around at all and they decided to take the spot right next to me. Why would they do this? It would not have bothered me so much except they were talking noisily as I was trying to sleep. Very annoying and rude. Argh.
                Day 2 of Rae Lakes loop complete.

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