As of Jan. 1 here is the current California winter status. Snow pack is at 161% (north), 94% (central), and 72% (south). Rain is at 134% (north), 71% (central), 70% (south). As you can see the north is doing well so far but not the rest of California, and now we are heading into a 3 week dry period to begin the new year. La Nina is nowhere in sight. Argh.

    We were on our way to visit my family in Canada near the end of December. It was a rain day. Streams were flowing out of nowhere down the mountain sides. When we go to Canada I do not usually like stopping too much, especially the first day because it is such a very long day and very long drive. Certainly there is no time for a long hike. However, it seemed like I should stop somewhere. All the waterfalls were going nuts. I made a couple quick stops. The first stop did not work out because there was a big creek to cross which would require getting wet and I was not prepared for that. The second stop was just to little Sweetbriar Falls. I have not been to this one in a long time. The waterfall was flowing crazy. The Sacramento River was flowing crazy. It was pretty cool to stop here. Too bad we are now heading into a stupid dry period. Sigh.

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