Pretty Lundy

This is the third waterfall in Lundy Canyon. It is 30 ft. high, and one of my favorites in this canyon. I took a bit too much time here though. The fourth waterfall is immediately above this one, and by the time I was done shooting this waterfall, the fourth one was already in the sun. Too late to photograph it. If I was thinking properly I would have shot the upper one first, then came back down to this one. It was too early in the morning to think properly. Ah well, c’est la vie.

The bit of fall color on the left here was really nice, though it was past peak for color, and I really liked the little swirly in the foreground, so I used a nice long exposure to bring it out prominently. The log across the middle of the falls I did not like, and it was not there last time I was here, but it seemed like it would be far too much effort to try to get it out of there, so I left it for nature to remove on its own will.

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