More Exploring in New York Canyon

I’ve been up north this past week and I have quite a few new photos to process. I will get to them soon. In the meantime, this shot is from last month while exploring in New York Canyon, my favorite of favorite places.

When my friend Rob and I returned from our adventure to New York Canyon Falls, on a different route via “Macklin Ridge” (see prior post on New York Canyon Falls), we discovered a couple other waterfalls on New York Creek above the “big waterfall”. The one we saw from the ridge looked like a really nice one so I decided to return here 3 days later on my own to try to get down to it.

Within only 3 days, almost all of the snow along Sailor Flat Rd. had vanished like it was never there to begin with. The creeks were still flowing, but it wouldn’t be long before they were as good as vanished as well. I hiked down Macklin Ridge until I could see the waterfall, then made the steep descent down towards the creek. When I say steep, I mean steep. It was not cliffy but it was definitely very tricky. I had to be very careful not to slip and fall. As I approached the falls, things got even trickier. By that I mean cliffy. I didn’t think I was going to be able to get a very good look at the falls, but I persevered and came down to a viewpoint that was fairly close to the falls. I’m sure in the spring this would be roaring down the canyon, but now it is just a dainty looking waterfall, but quite a nice one at 96 ft. high. I am not sure if I could have gotten any closer to it. The next ridge over to the falls was a steep one. It may have been possible but I was satisfied with my current viewpoint, so I didn’t try it this time. After taking my shots, I started the climb back up to the top of Macklin Ridge. I went straight up instead of looping around onto the slope that was less steep. I think that was probably a mistake, but I huffed and I puffed, and I crawled to the top.

I called this one Middle New York Canyon Falls. There is an Upper New York Canyon Falls as well. I tried to get over to it but I could not get a good view of it and the cliffs around that one are even steeper and cliffier. I’ll need to figure out how to get to it though, cuz I think it is even nicer than the middle falls.


2 Responses to “More Exploring in New York Canyon”

  1. Gambolin' Man Says:

    Damn Leon! I am so envious you got back out to New York Canyon! Fantastic photo and sounds like an incredible adventure! I really wish I had been on this one with you, to meet, and, as an homage to Russell Towle, who died two years ago yesterday.

  2. Leon Says:

    Thanks Tom. Has it been 2 years already, wow. I definitely should have invited you and I thought to as well, but it was a last minute thing (as most of my hikes seem to be).

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