I have lately noticed a lot of blatant disregard from hikers breaking the law. And then posting it on social media! I’m talking about hiking on closed trails and flying their drones in national parks. If caught doing these things you could get a very large fine. Or worse. The trails are closed for a good reason (due to fire damage or ice fall or whatever it is). If something happens when you are in there and you need to be rescued then you are making others risk their lives to come rescue you. And by posting your illegal hike on social media you are also now encouraging others to break the law. What happens if they get seriously hurt or die? These people just don’t care about breaking the rules. Am I being too much of a stickler? Perhaps but I don’t really think so.

Anyhow … we finally got a bit of snow this weekend. Unfortunately it was not much; we sure do need a lot more this month. The forecast indicated there was a good chance this first waterfall on Canyon Creek would have snow on Saturday morning. It is fairly low elevation so it is extremely rare that it has snow but I thought it would be awesome to see it covered in snow. So off I went.

It was a very sad day in our household. Our youngest cat Strider passed away suddenly. He was only five years old. He was perfectly fine the day before and we think he had an aneurysm or something like that. He was a very adorable cat and died way too young. But I did not know about this when I left for my hike in the morning. (he died while I was gone).

I arrived at the trailhead and it was indeed snowing, and it was sticking also. It snowed the entire hike down to the falls. I was definitely thinking that my wishes for a snowy waterfall were going to come true. The good thing about the snow is it means no ticks! The bad thing is that the trail is a lot trickier with some very dangerous spots. The first part seemed to be a better defined trail but there were also a large number of new blowdowns on it so this made it quite a bit more difficult and harder to follow (it is hard enough not to get lost on this trail). Before too long I arrived down at the creek crossing. I made my way easily across the cold creek (I do sure miss the bridge here), then up the other side and to the first waterfall viewpoint.

It was still snowing but down here at 2500 ft. it was not sticking. There was a little bit of snow on the ground but not on the rocks at the waterfall so my snowy waterfall wish did not come true. However …  across the canyon the waterfall was in fog and this made the scene very cool. An unexpected surprise indeed.

I decided not to continue down to the Big Waterfall because there is one extremely sketchy spot where you definitely do not want to slip and with the wet rocks it would have been very dangerous. I retreated up the canyon, across the creek, and got back to my car by about 11AM. It was a beautiful foggy and snowy day in Tahoe National Forest.




4 Responses to “FOGGY DAYS”

  1. Mitch Says:

    Sorry for your loss, loosing any pet is tough, and unexpectedly is even tougher.

    Beautiful conditions… inspired me to watch the youtube you put together on that canyon.

    Any word on the private parts (of the trail) is there any movement to make it all public?

  2. Leon Says:

    thank you Mitch. I don’t know about that but it is not a problem to hike in there – just don’t want to make the route public to everyone – or it certainly will be a problem and go the way similar to other ruined/now closed places. Shoot me an email for directions if you want to go there

  3. Gail M Says:

    So sorry about your pet. they always have such a strong hold on our hearts.
    The fall looks lovely with the fog. Fingers crossed for more snow or rain for California

  4. Leon Says:

    thanks Gail. yes sure praying for more rain this year.

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