When we arrived on the Sunshine Coast we learned that my mom was in the hospital emergency in Sechelt. It was not a serious thing, she just needed to get some medication. However, she was waiting in the emergency for 5 hours. How ridiculous! She decided to give up. She left and we all went to dinner and then to our lodge in Egmont. The problem was that she really needed those meds. So next day, very early in the morning, Tara and I drove back to Sechelt with my mom and dropped her off again at the hospital.

Tara and I went to Burnett Falls. There was a car at the trailhead already. There was a couple here that apparently slept in their car at the trailhead and were getting ready to leave. Kind of a very weird place to camp. What is up with that?

The hike is very easy to the Burnett Falls overlook. Getting down to the bottom of it is a different story. My brother in law and sister did the hike the day before and got down. If they can get down, surely the madman can get down! It was extremely steep, almost treacherous. I made it though. Burnett Falls is a pretty one, 35 ft. high.

It had only been 1 hour since we dropped my mom off so we went to breakfast at Tim Hortons. (Tara’s favorite breakfast place in Canada – not mine!). We took our time and drank lots of coffee. Then we went back to the hospital. Mom still had not been seen yet so we waited some more and went to a few shops. Finally my mom was seen and she got her drugs (yay!). Now it was lunch time. Guess where we went?

We picked up some COVID tests while we were at the store. Both Nekoda and my niece Hannah were feeling under the weather. We needed to be sure none of us were sick before we went on our boat ride to Desolation Sound. Nekoda tested negative, but the very bad news: Hannah was positive.

This meant that Hannah would not be allowed to go on the boat to Desolation Sound. There would be other people on the boat plus we would be in close quarters with all the resort staff for 4 days. There’s no way she could or should go. So obviously her parents would not be going as well and neither would my mom go (she was traveling with them). I felt especially bad for my mom because this was her dream to go to Desolation Sound. The good news is that they can go next year (the resort allowed them to postpone for another year). My mom also picked up the COVID from Hannah so it’s definitely a good thing she did not go with us.

But as for our family we were all negative and we would be going to Desolation Sound by ourselves. We drove to Lund and picked up our boat ride to the Klahoose Resort in Desolation Sound. Klahoose Resort is a very fancy, very expensive (thanks Mom) resort along the ocean, a 1 hour boat ride from Lund. There were two German families (not together), and a family from Iowa, so 17 of us in total at the resort.  Nekoda was so excited (she thought it was so fancy!). Tara was in Heaven (she is an ocean girl for sure!). It is an amazing place without a doubt.

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