We went up to visit my wife’s mom on the September long weekend. It had been awhile since I have hiked at Lassen Volcanic National Park and I wanted to get back there. I had new waterfalls to discover.

    The rain was off and on again all day. When I arrived at the Hat Creek trailhead it was raining quite heavily but by the time I got my gear all ready to go it had let up. Off I went up the trail.
      This is an easy hike but I really struggled on it. I don’t know why. I have worked out over the summer and I feel that I am in good shape. I have a huge hike scheduled later this month which will be very difficult with lots of elevation gain and at high elevation as well. This one only has about 600 ft. elevation gain and is not at high elevation. Am I just not in hiking shape? Or is it just because I felt tired on this day for some reason?
        I made it up to Paradise Meadow and continued cross country. It was easy going. I saw a couple deer. I saw no evidence that any human had ever been over this way. I arrived at the creek and went downstream a bit, and voila! New waterfall discovery! This is a very gorgeous 33 ft. high segmented waterfall. Thank you very much, Madman. Or should I say, Rain Man.
          It started to rain heavily again as I finished up photographing the waterfall. I hid under some trees and ate my dinner. By the time I got back to Hat Creek the rain had stopped so I photographed a couple of those waterfalls as well. When I got back to the car I could see about 3/4 of the mountain (I could not see any of it earlier), so I took a time lapse of the clouds rolling over the peak. It was a fabulous rainy day in Lassen Volcanic National Park.
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