In 2023, of course, we had a huge winter in California. You might think that I would have gone to Yosemite National Park quite a few times last year. I did not go once. It is probably the first year ever that I did not get to Yosemite. To be true, I had 2 or 3 solid plans to go there but they all fell through for one reason or other.  This year I will rectify that mistake. I have already been to Yosemite once (Eleanor Creek Falls – an amazing trip). This past weekend was my second visit and I have at least one more trip planned in the near future (backpacking permit is already in hand).

    It was the Memorial Day weekend. I had no reservation to enter the park. You need a reservation. I HATE this new rule. You need to plan your trips well beforehand. I am not one to plan so far in advance, normally. I will come up with my weekend plans just a few days ahead of time. Where I go depends on many things, including the weather and what I feel most motivated to do. Oh I think I will go to Yosemite this next weekend. Not! I do not have a permit! Well, of course you can still go to Yosemite without a permit. You just need to enter the park before 5AM. That means getting up at some ungodly hour. That is a big problem as well but that is exactly what I did this long weekend.
      After church on Sunday I drove to Yosemite. My plan was to do a hike in the evening to a couple new waterfalls, sleep in the car outside the park, then get up at 4AM to drive into the park and do a second hike.
        These first two waterfalls are inside the park but you have to walk in, not drive in. It is about a 4.5 mile hike one way. There is a trail but it is long gone. Obliterated from recent fires and brush regrowth. There are many downed trees you have to climb over. It is very difficult. I was really worried about stepping on rattlesnakes. It is about the right elevation and with so much brush and downed trees it seemed prime location, especially beside the creek. I saw none, thankfully. It also seemed prime bear territory. I saw none of those either. Just one deer. The hike really wore me out. Was it because I am out of shape? Or was it just due to all the downed trees and bushwhacking? Probably both. The first waterfall is pictured here: Upper North Fork of South Fork Tuolumne River Falls, 44 ft. high. I knew beforehand this would not be a great waterfall as I have seen photos of it. It is a nice little cascade but nothing too exciting. I expected the lower falls to be much better, however. On Google Earth it looked to be a real nice one. Google Earth lied. It was worse than the upper falls and hardly worth taking a photo (though I did).
          I got back to my vehicle after dark, very tired, bruised, and beaten. But I got two more Yosemite waterfalls under my belt. Could I get one more tomorrow? Stay tuned…

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