American Canyon Creek

Taking a break from Canyon Creek, and back to something a bit different from American Canyon Creek. This is below American Canyon Creek Falls, where the trail drops fairly steeply on its way down to the Middle Fork American River. There are many mini-waterfalls along this section, and it is possible to get down to some of them. This is one of those pretty little cascades. There are many photo possibilities along this creek, and I just couldn’t resist. Very gorgeous indeed.

It is my daughter’s birthday today. She is 4 years old. They grow up so fast, don’t they. It seems like only yesterday she was just a little baby. But she will always be my little baby, I think. 😉 We are going out for lunch today. Not Chuck E Cheese (which we did last week for Jadon’s birthday – man, their pizza is awful). Today it is John’s Incredible Pizza; supposedly they have better pizza but they are much more expensive. We’ll see.

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