McClures Beach

After photographing Mr. Skunk and running up and down the beach to warn my family of their impending doom, I set about to photographing the sunset. There was not a cloud to be found in the sky this evening, which makes for a rather boring sunset in terms of being very colorful (don’t tell God I said that – ha ha). This was about the best I could do this evening. I guess it is not all that bad, but I was hoping for a bit better photo. At least I got one decent photo this night. On the second night we were here, I got zero photos at sunset thanks to Mr. Fog.

McClures Beach is really a great beach for photography, maybe the best in all of Point Reyes. Thus, I was quite surprised that we were the only ones on the entire beach this evening. You gotta like that. I also think, however, that the beach is probably better and more interesting at low tide. When we here it was high tide at around sunset. I probably should’ve known better and planned our weekend get-away on a different weekend. Oh well. There is always next time.

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  1. free streaming tv – McClures Beach sunset Says:

    […] View in larger size and read about my adventure on my blog. […]

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