This one is by far the most spectacular waterfall we saw on our Eastern Sierra backpack, and I was not expecting it at all!
From Garnet Lake Falls, we continued hiking downwards to the MF San Joaquin River. It is only a half mile, but you lose about 600 ft. in elevation. It is steep, but going down is pretty easy. There is a trail but it was difficult to follow because of snow cover and because it is just not very clear in places, so of course I just continued to head straight down through the woods when the trail was temporarily lost, knowing we would get to the river before too much longer. Jadon did not at all like “not being on a happy, maintained trail”. During these times, he was constantly searching for any remnant of such trail.
The creek from Garnet Lake descends steeply, as you might imagine, losing 600 ft. in a half mile. And thus, you might imagine, there are waterfalls. The big one here I am calling Middle Garnet Lake Falls. I suppose one could possibly think of the entire stream from top to bottom as one huge waterfall, but really it is not. There is distinct separation between them. After the first falls at the lake outlet, the stream levels out for quite awhile (still descending, though), until it reaches this middle section where it drops vertically and huge. I estimate this middle falls to be about 150 ft. high, and it was easy enough to get right up beside it from along the “trail”. It was an amazing and glorious sight.