After going to Phantom Falls, I went on a trek down to Beatson Falls. I have been to Beatson before but not by this route. It was a fun cross country route, and the total hike was around 10 miles or so. You really need GPS up in this area, or have a super real good sense of direction. It is easy up here to get lost. Only the killer cows will guide you home.
Anyway, I arrived at Beatson Falls, and found it flowing pretty well, better than Phantom Falls was flowing. I saw a truck driving around in this area. I have never seen any of the private land owners around before when I have been up on Table Mountain. I wondered if he saw me and I wondered if I was on his private land. I was not really sure where all the boundaries are, however, I am sure Beatson is on public land and I certainly did not see any “no trespassing” signs, so I do believe I was all good. In fact, I think he was driving his truck on public land. Anyway, it was a fun day hike on Table Mountain.
I got home in time to go out for my birthday dinner with my family at my favorite pizza place, Chicago Fire. Yumm…