Carbost Burn Waterfall, Isle of Skye, Scotland. 80 ft. I thought this would be very difficult to get down to, but in fact was very easy. It is a very pretty falls, it would be stunning at higher flows.


4 Responses to “CARBOST BURN”

  1. Grokey Says:

    Is it a hands and knees scramble to access or just a walk? I guess you’d come off the road by the Old Schoolhouse…

  2. leapin26 Says:

    I don’t think I was on my hands and knees 🙂

  3. Grokey Says:

    What time of day were you there? Was it midge free?

    Looking for a wedding location…

  4. leapin26 Says:

    There were no midges. But that does not mean there wouldn’t be any at a different day of the year.

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